“I’ve gone from fostering animals to creating my own rescue group.”
-Leslie Zaltel

About Our Founder – Leslie Zaletel
As a “military brat” living on the island of Okinawa, my rescue journey began in the 7th grade. One day on my walk home from school I picked up a puppy from the bushes. My memories are vivid…of hiding the puppy behind my back while asking my dad if we could have a dog. He answered, “sure, one day”.
Undeterred, I presented the puppy and replied “how about today?” I named her Trixie. She was my best friend for 3 years until we had orders to move back to the US. My heart was crushed when I said goodbye. To this day I believe pets are meant to be family for the extent of their life span.
I’ve never considered myself a dog OR cat person, just one who loves animals! I did not have a cat until I was in my late twenties, when I rescued a lost kitten I named Missy. She was my first kitten-love who lived a long and happy twenty two years. I have discovered, over many years, that I’m a magnet for animals in need of help.
I’ve gone from fostering animals to creating my own rescue group. In my effort to rescue animals, and to eventually place them for adoption with forever-families, I maintain a strong focus on spaying and neutering (not just fixing those we adopt out, but all rescued animals). I believe in the TNR (Trap, Neuter, Release) program and spaying and neutering homeless pets. Spaying and neutering saves lives!

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